Lead Nurse- Kelley Word, RN, MSN


    Mission Statement

    Muscle Shoals City Schools Health Service's Department, in collaboration with parents and the community, is dedicated to the promotion of health and wellness for all students and staff.  The school health service's department is designed to:

    1.  Assure access and and/or referral to primary health care services.
    2.  Foster appropriate use of primary health care services.
    3.  Prevent and control communicable diseases and other health conditions.
    4.  Manage chronic disease.
    5.  Provide emergency care for illness and/or injury.
    6.  Provide education and counseling for the promotion and maintenance of student, family, staff, and community wellness. 

  • Backpack Safety- Backpack Act 2017-19 https://www.alsde.edu/sec/pss/Laws/BackPack%202017RS%20SJR008%20ENACTED.pdf

    Backpacks are causing an increasing problem of back pain and spinal strain for students across the nation. Muscle Shoals City Schools urges parents to check the weight of your child's backpack reguarly.  Backpacks should weigh no more than a maximum of 10 percent of a child's body weight.  Ergonomic backpacks with individualized compartments that are designed to efficiently hold books and equipment are encouraged.  Your student should also have wide, padded adjustable straps that fit their bodies correctly.  Both shoulder straps should be worn.  Student's should not sling the backpack over one shoulder.  Muscle Shoals City Schools will encourage teachers to use hand-outs and workbooks for homework, thus leaving the heaviest of books at school.  As more funding becomes available, e-textbooks will become more available to students.  

    More information concerning backpack safety can be found in the following link: 


  • Jessica Elkins Act - Act #2014-274 http://www.alsde.edu/sec/pss/Laws/Act%202014.274%20Meningococal%20the%20Jessica%20Elkins%20Act.pdf

    Meningococcal is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children 2-18 years of age in the United States.  This disease can be very serious, even life threatening in 48 hours or less.  Meningococcal disease is spread from person to person by sharing respiratory secretions, through kissing or coughing, close or lengthy contact, and among people who share a room or live in the same household.  

    Adolescents 11-18 years of age are routinely recommended for two doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). Preteens should get the first dose of MCV4 at their 11-12 years of age check-up and a booster dose of MCV4 is recommended at 16 years of age.  

    More information can be found about the disease and vaccine in the link below:

    Meningococcal Disease Information

  • Sunscreen Act 2017-278- http://www.alsde.edu/sec/pss/Laws/Sunscreen.pdf

    Muscle Shoals City School students are allowed and encouraged to possess and apply federal Food and Drug Administration regulated over-the-counter sunscreen at school and at school-based events.  If a student, parent, or guardian request a school employee to apply the sunscreen, a Parent Prescriber Authorization Form containing a parent or guardian signature will be required.  A physician signature or order will not be required.  

    More infomation about the importance of sunscreen use for students can be found in the following link: 

    Sunscreen Tips

  • Influenza Act 2017-368 http://www.alsde.edu/sec/pss/Laws/Flu.pdf

    Muscle Shoals City Schools and Health Heroes- HNH Immunizations Inc. will be offering free flu vaccines (injection only) for all students on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.  The vaccines will be given during the school day and will be administered at a clinic set up inside of each school.

    HNH Immunizations Inc. provides school-based clinics in most school systems across the state.  Their goal is to safely immunize students while providing little disruption to the learning environment. The program is under the supervision of an in-state, licensed practicing medical director and vaccinations are administered by state-licensed nurses.  On the day of the clinic, your child will be escorted by the school nurse to the school’s vaccination clinic area and back to class after the vaccination. 

    If you would like to have your child vaccinated at this upcoming clinic, simply complete the 2023 Vaccine Consent Form that was sent home with your student.  Please make sure you complete the entire form and sign at the bottom.  If the form is not filled out completely, your child will not receive the vaccination. Once completed, return the form to the office of your child’s school on or before Friday, September 15th. No late forms will be accepted.

    To learn more about Health Heroes- HNH Immunizations Inc., our partner in this school health initiative, visit www.HealthHeroUSA.com.  If you’re interested in learning more about recommended vaccines for children, visit Centers for Disease Control at www.immunize.org/cdc/schedules.

    Thank you for your time.  Please feel free to email if you have additional questions.


    More information regarding flu in schools can be found in the following link: 
