common sense school

2023-2024 Course Guide

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  • Traditionally, Muscle Shoals students excel academically. Based on the Alabama Reading and Math Test scores, the system has consistently placed among the top 10 school districts in one or more areas in most grade levels. Making this possible is the strong parental support of the school's programs with a majority of the parents being involved in one or more programs throughout the year. Another tradition is the large number of students who pursue post-secondary educational programs each year. It is not uncommon for this number to be at or above 90%

    Muscle Shoals City Schools is one of Alabama's "A" school districts!  See this December 2016 article from

    The MSHS Symphonic Band performs at the University of Alabama on February 2, 2017 during the opening ceremony of the UA Honor Band Festival

Advance Placement Courses

Graduation Data