

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cassie Tyler

My name is Cassie Tyler, and I am the Resource Special Education Teacher at Webster Elementary.  I have been teaching 19 years in Muscle Shoals City Schools.  I taught at MSMS for 10 years, MSHS for 3 years, and this is my 6th year at Webster.  

Webster's motto is "Where Kids Come First".  As a teacher I see this in practice everyday in every classroom.  This is not just something we say, but it is what we believe and what we practice each day of the school year.  

I am married to Ron, and we have 2 boys.  My oldest son, Clay, is 17 and is a junior at MSHS, and my youngest son, Grant, is 10 and is in the 5th grade at McBride.  We are also foster parents so we have many children in our home at different times. 

I feel very blessed to be apart of the MSCS and the Webster faMily.  I love coming to school and watching "my students" learn and grow.